Recognition and Awards
Honors & Awards
2010 Media Fellow, Stanford University
---- Visiting Research Fellow, University of Chichester, UK
2008 FIRST Scholar, University of Colorado at Boulder
2005-2006 Humanities Institute Fellowship, SUNY/Buffalo
---- Visiting Research Fellowship, University of Chichester, UK
2005 17th Annual Praemium Imperiale, International Prize for Outstanding Achievement in the Arts awarded to Merce Cunningham for film (selected titles by Elliot Caplan)
1999-2000 Emmy Award, Outstanding Cultural Programming, National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences
---- George Foster Peabody Award, for PBS EGG The Art Show
2000 Cine Golden Eagle Award, Outstanding Cultural Series for PBS
1997 National Theater Festival, for Allee der Kosmonauten with choreographer Sasha Waltz
---- BAM, Brooklyn Academy of Music, Elliot Caplan first artist invited to construct on-site installation.
1996 Gold Award, Dance On Camera Festival, Best Documentary, Lincoln Center, New York, for the film CRWDSPCR
---- Berliner Theatertreffen, for Allee der Kosmonauten with choreographer Sasha Waltz
1995 Best Documentary, Lincoln Center Walter Reade, for the film Cage/Cunningham
---- Bessie Award, Best New Video Work, for Beach Birds Installation
1994 Grand Prix International Video Danse, for the film Beach Birds for Camera
---- The Andy Warhol Museum, Pittsburgh, PA, Elliot Caplan selected as first American filmmaker to screen work.
1993 Categorie Captation de Spectacle Prix Academie des Beaux Arts, Stockholm, Sweden, for Beach Birds for Camera
---- Grand Prize, New York Dance on Camera Festival for the film Beach Birds for Camera
---- IMZ Dance Screen Award Grand Prix, Frankfurt, Germany, for Beach Birds for Camera
---- Prague D'or, 30th International Television Festival, Czech Republic, for the film Points In Space commissioned by BBC-Television
1992 IMZ Dance Screen Award, Best Documentary, Vienna, for the film Cage/Cunningham
---- New York Times Critics Choice for Cage/Cunningham
1990 New York Times Critics Choice for the film Changing Steps
---- Gold Award Dance On Camera Festival for Changing Steps
---- 2nd Grand Prix International Video-Danse Festival, France, for Changing Steps
---- Gold Award Dance On Camera Festival, New York, for Changing Steps
Artist Robert R. Zakanitch and his canvas
1987 Chicago International Film Festival for Robert S. Zakanitch, the documentary art film on painter Robert S. Zakanitch
---- International Art Film Biennale at Centre George Pompidou, Paris, for Robert S. Zakanitch
1983 Finalist, American Film Festival, for Deli Commedia
---- Best Film, Kenyon International Film Festival, for Robert S. Zakanitch
---- Best Film, Baltimore International Film Festival, for Robert S. Zakanitch
---- Best Film, Movies on a Shoestring, Rochester International Festival, for Robert S. Zakanitch
Permanent Collections
Film and video retrospectives have been presented in Portugal, Holland, Japan and the United States. Caplan's work is also in a number of permanent collections including:
Museum of Modern Art, New York, 1983, 1993, 2014
The New York Public Library for the Performing Arts, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2007
Musee National d'Art Moderne, Centre George Pompidou, 1986
Cinematheque Francais, Paris, 1983, 1991, 1993
National Institute of the Arts, Taiwan, 1996
Tanzfilm Institute, 1987
Munich Filmmuseum, 1993
Tel Aviv Museum of Art, Israel, 1995
Instituto Itaú Cultural, Brazil, 1999
Press Selects / Showings
Anthology Film Archives, New York, "Merce Cunningham Centennial", April 8 - June 10, 2019.
Channel on the High Line, The High Line, New York, NY, “Merce Cunningham: For Camera", January 3 - March 6, 2019
New York Times, Critics Notebook, “A Performance Onstage Returns Anew on the Screen, ‘Live From Lincoln Center’ to Air ‘Curtain Up’”, by Alastair Macaulay, December 11, 2014
The New Yorker, “New Again/ American Ballet’s Young Faces, Live at Lincoln Center”, by Joan Acocella, December 15, 2014
The New Yorker, Onward and Upward with The Arts, “Searching for Silence, What John Cage Heard”, by Alex Ross, October 4, 2010
Fanfare Magazine, Shamayim by Peter Rabinowitz, Sept/Oct. 2010
American Record Guide, Shamayim, by Rob Haskins, May/June 2010
New York Times, Critics Pick, “The Week Ahead” by Claudia LaRocco, Arts & Leisure, Sunday, March 7, 2010
Time Out New York Critics Pick, Oct, Dec., 2009 Feb. March 2010
Dance Studio Life, “Now You See It, Now You Don't”, by David Favrot, February 2010
DanceViewTimes, “Every Moment Matters”, by George Jackson, January 31, 2010 at
The Washington Post Magazine, Movies, Critics Pick, “A Dance Double Feature”, by Ann Hornaday, Sunday, January 3, 2010, pg. 41
Ballet Magazine, Critical Dance, "15 Days of Dance: The Making of 'Ghost Light'" by Elliot Caplan, Days 12 & 13, by Carmel Morgan, January 31, 2010 -- National Gallery of Art, East Building Concourse Auditorium, Washington, D.C.
New York Times, “Putting It Together and Filming It, Arts & Culture, Aspiring Filmmakers, website, 2009 - 2010
New York Times, “Light, Birds, Action! Cunningham and Company in Rehearsal” by Alistair Macaulay, November 4, 2009
New York Times, “Putting It Together and Filming It”, by Gia Kourlas, Arts & Leisure Section, Sunday, Oct. 14, 2009
Los Angeles Times, Arts/Culture Monster, “Friends and colleagues recall Merce Cunningham”, July 27, 2009 with Mikhail Baryshnikov, Trisha Brown, Kevin McKenzie, Elliot Caplan and Mark Morris
Yahoo News, “Choreographer Merce Cunningham dies at 90”, July 27, 2009
Time Out New York Sept. 5, 2009, Cage/Cunningham screening St. Marks Church for John Cage Birthday
The Wall Street Journal /Leisure & Arts, “A Choreographer Worth Watching,” by Robert Greskovic, Saturday-Sunday. March 31-April 1, 2007
New York Times, “Shelving the Snow Globes in Favor of an Inward Look,” by Roslyn Sulcas, March 4, 2007
Artvoice, “See You There,” AV Pick/AV This Week, The Poetics Movement, May 27 & June 2, 2005
New York Sun, “The Forgiving Medium,” by Pia Catton, January 11, 2005
New York Times, Westchester Weekly Desk | January 19, 2003, Times Select Content, “Footlights,” by Roberta Hershenson
Arts, Fall/Winter 2003, “Filmmaker Elliot Caplan Visits the Dance Program”
Independent Film Quarterly, Issue 3, Fall 2002, “Utango,” by Elliot Caplan
Colorado Daily, “A Top Producer,” July 12-14, 2002
New York Times, “TV Review: Merce Cunningham: A Lifetime In Dance,” by Jennifer Dunning, December 15, 2001
Time Out, The Week in View, “Critics Choice/Television,” July 30-August 6, 2001
La Nacion, “El Video, motor para la danza,” by Silvia Gsell, July 16, 1999
O Estado De S. Paulo, “Filmes de Elliot Caplan trazem a danca vista pela lente da videoarte,” by Ana Weiss, June 25 1999
The New York Times, The Arts/ Dance Notes: “No Filmmaker at Cunningham,” by Jennifer Dunning, February 12, 1998
Le Monde, “La Merce Cunningham Dance Company triomphe a Garnier avec Pond Way, en creation mondiale,” by Dominique Frétard, January 17, 1998
Die Deutsche Bühne, Nr. 1, 1998, “Meteorologie für Streicher, Videos und Garderobiere,” by Detlef Brandenburg, January 1998
Theater Rundschau, Nr. 1, 1998, “Portrait/Michael Gordon – Elliot Caplan,” January 1998
Fono Forum, “Wechselhaft,” by Michael Struck-Schloen, February 1998
Frankfurter Rundschau, “Moderator of the Arts: In Between Painting, Stage and New Media: The American Video Artist Elliot Caplan,” by Arnd Wesemann, February 28, 1998
Ballet International, “Elliot Caplan Portrait,” by Arnd Wesemann, April 1998
Salt Lake Tribune, Arts & Entertainment, “Who’s Experimenting in the Sundance Lab” by Scott Rivers, October 2, 1998
Allgemeine Zeitung Mainz, “Poesie des Orkans,” by Thilo Beu, December 1, 1997
Elliot Caplan & Bernard McWilliams shooting in Paris for Hidden Things.
photo by Eric TischlerWormser Zeitung, “Poesie des Orkans,” by Thilo Beu, December 1, 1997
Bonner General-Anzeiger, “Wenn Streicher gegen Sirenen ankämpfen,” by Bernhard Hartmann, November 29, 1997
Bonner Rundschau, “Gewitter der Sinne,” by Von H.D. Terschüren, November 29, 1997
Kreiszeitung Böblinger Bote, “Video-Oper Elektronisches Gewitter,” by DPA, November 29, 1997
Südwest Presse Schwäbische Donau Zeitung, “Video-Oper Elektronisches Gewitter,” by DPA, November 29, 1997
NWZ Göppinger Kreisnachrichten, “Video-Oper Elektronisches Gewitter,” by DPA, November 29, 1997
Geislinger Zeitung, “Video-Oper Elektronisches Gewitter,” by DPA, November 29, 1997
Die Welt, “Ein Adventskalender gibt Polarjacken aus,” by Detlef Gojowy, November 29, 1997
Kölner Stadtanzeiger, “Blätter im Wind,” by Michael Struck-Schloen, November 29, 1997
Meinerzhagener Zeitung, “Kerzfilme und Musik,” by Pedro Obiera, November 29, 1997
Osnabrücker Zeitung, “Eine stürmische Bilderflut,” by Pedro Obiera, November 29, 1997
Reutlinger General-Anzeiger, “Wie ein Gewitterregen,” by Dieter Lechner, November 29, 1997
Schwarzwälder Bote, “Streicherklang mit Nervensägen,” by Dieter Lechner, November 29, 1997
Süddeutsche Zeitung, “Nicht wetterfest,” December 1, 1997
Frankfurter Rundschau, “Klang & Natur Video-Oper Weather,” by Ulrich Schreiber, December 2, 1997
Rheinische Post, “Im Kleppermantel Video-Oper Weather von Michael Gordon und Elliot Caplan in Bonns Bundeskunsthalle uraufgeführt,” by Michael Struck-Schloen, December 2, 1997
NRZ Neue Ruhr Zeitung Essen, “16 Monitore, 16 Streicher Weather in Bonn uraufgeführt,” by Pedro Obiera, December 3, 1997
Giessener Allgemeine, “Unruhiges Wetter sparsamer Musik,” by Pedo Obiera, December 4, 1997
VDI Nachrichten Düsseldorf, “Das Wetter: multimedial kommentiert,” by Michael Georg Müller, December 12, 1997
Berliner Zeitung, “Video-Oper Weather nur ein laues Lüftchen,” by Langweiug, December 5, 1997
Die Welt, “Ein Adventskalender gibt Polarjacken aus,” by Detlef Gojowy, November 29, 1997
Dr Tagesspiegel, “Jahreszeiten-Rock,” by Gregor Schmitz-Stevens, December 5, 1997
Sächsische Zeitung Dresden, “Kein Lüftchen in Kyoto,” by Gottfried Blumenstein, December 9, 1997
Abendzeitung München, “Die vielen Temperaturen der Minimal Music,” by Roland Spiegel, December 13, 1997
Augsburger Allgemeine, “Windstille just für die Möwe,” by Barbara Reitter, December 15, 1997
Tz München, “Das Wetter,” by Barbara Welter, December 15, 1997
Donau Kurier Ingolstadt, “Musikalische Wetterexperimente,” by Barbara Reitter, December 16, 1997
Die Tageszeitung, “Artiger Knicks vorm Erhabenen ‘Weather’ von Michael Gordon und Elliot Caplan,” by Birgit Glombitza, December 19, 1997
Hamburger Abendblatt, “Windige Angelegenheit,” December 19, 1997
Hamburger Morgenpost, “Donnerwetter, Vivaldi & Video,” by Gottfried Krieger, December 19, 1997
Neue Musikzeitung, “Video, Violinen und das Wetter schlechthin,” December 15, 1997
Focus, “Gnädig gestimmter Wettergott,” December 15, 1997
Wall Street Journal, “The Profundity of Chance,” by Joan Acocella, October 24, 1997
The New York Times, “Next Wave Festival Review/Dance, From Merce Cunningham, an Esthetic Summary,” by Anna Kisselgoff, October 17, 1997
Financial Times, London, UK, “Crafted to Perfection,” by William Deresiewicz, September 24, 1997
New York Times, “An Iconoclast Accepts His Disciples' Devotions,” by Anna Kisselgoff, May 21, 1997
Orlando Sentinnel, “Merce Cunningham: Master of movement takes wing,” by Diane Hubbard Burns, August 31, 1997
Orlando Sentinel, “A Choreographer's world in still life and reel time,” by Phillip E. Bishop, August 31, 1997
The Observer, “Dance and film in spotlight at ACA,” by Sandi Carroll, August 29, 1997
News Journal, “Cunningham makes mark at arts center,” by Laura Stewart, August 28, 1997
News Journal, “Dancing on the edge...,” by Laura Stewart, August 24, 1997
The Observer, “Relationship between video & dance to be explored,” August 22, 1997
WochenPresse, Wirtschafts Woche, “Vincent & Video,” by Klaus Khittl, June 24, 1996
EC. photo by Matthew Williams
New York Times, Cultural Desk | December 7, 1996, Times Select Content, ”Free-Spirited Progeny Of the Long Romance Between Dance and Film,” by Jennifer Dunning
New York Times, Weekend Desk | December 6, 1996, “Distinctive Views of Dancers,” by Anna Kisselgoff
New York Times, Cultural Desk | December 5, 1996, Times Select Content, “Dance Notes,” by Jennifer Dunning
Village Voice, “Voice Choice,” December 4-10,1996
Le Monde, “Liinfini Mouvement de l'immobile” (Interview with Elliot Caplan), by Anne Suquet
Der Standard, Kultur, Vienna, Austria, “Strategien Wider die Tücke des Objektivs,” August 10, 1995
New York Times, “Bessies Go to New Artists and Philip Glass,” September 18, 1995
New York Times, The Arts, Choreographer Gazing, photo of Elliot Caplan & David Tudor, March 13, 1994
Village Voice, “Tights, Camera, Action,” by Elizabeth Zimmer, August 10, 1993
Washington Post, “The Three C's: Cage: Peerless Partnership,” by Alan M. Kriegsman, October 26, 1992
Santa Fe New Mexican, “Cage/Cunningham film excites remarkable fabric of creativity,” by Ron Ramsey, December 4-10, 1992
Daily Variety, “October Films Sets Trio of Acquisitions,” by John Evan Frook, March 26, 1992
New Yorker, “Dance,” March 23, 1992
Ausschnitt, “Panorama A Portrait of Two Artists/ ‘Cage/Cunningham’ by Elliot Caplan,” by Debra Immergut, February 1992
Village Voice, “Alive and Off Center,” by Amy Taubin, December 17, 1991
New Yorker, “Dance/Profile,” December 16, 1991
New York Times, Weekend Desk | December 13, 1991, Critic's Choice/Film: “Experimenting Together,” by Jennifer Dunning
New York Times, Cultural Desk | December 5, 1991, Review/Film: “Homage to a Partnership In Life and in the Arts,” by Stephen Holder
New York Newsday, “Masters of Music, Dance,” by Janice Berman, December 4, 1991
New York Times, Cultural Desk | November 28, 1991, “Premiere of Documentary”
New York Times, Arts and Leisure Desk | March 11, 1990, Home Entertainment/Video: Fast Forward: “Finding Out If It Will Play In Peoria,” by Peter Nichols
East Bay Express, “The Cunningham Chronicles,” by David Gere, September 29, 1989
The New Yorker, “Goings On About Town: Dance/ Elliot Caplan,” September 18, 1989
San Francisco Examiner, “Merce Cunningham Festival,” by Allan Ulrich, September 16, 1989
New York Times, “Video Installations Are Making Waves in Art,” by Andy Grundberg, November 17, 1989
Millimeter, “Teleproduction: Behind the Small Screen/ Caplanesque Style,” by Gregory Solman, February 1998
New York Times, “Dancers Exploring Video's Possibilities,” by Jennifer Dunning, October 29, 1987
San Francisco Chronicle, “Dance/Merce at 67: Riveting Solo Captured on Film,” by Kate Regan, November 16, 1986
"Familiar Faces", Dancevision, by John Gruen, DanceMagazine, March 1986
Dance & Video, by Deidre Towers, Cunningham Dance Technique: Elementary Level, Dance Magazine, February 198
Cunningham Dance Technique: Elementary Level, by C.T. Bond, American Library Association, November 1985
TV Weekend, by John O'Connor, The New York Times, October 11, 1985
Home Watch, "Deli Commedia", by Joseph H. Mazo, Women's Wear Daily, Wednesday, October 9, 1985
Selected Books featuring the work of Elliot Caplan
“Televisuality: Style, Crisis, and Authority in American Television,” by John Thornton Caldwell – Performing Arts – 1995 – 456 pages
“A Critical Cinema 2,” by Scott MacDonald – Performing Arts – 1992 – 476 pages
“Merce Cunningham: The Moderninzing of Modern Dance,” by Roger Copeland – Performing Arts – 2003 – 320 pages
“John Cage's Theatre Pieces: Notations and Performances,” by William Fetterman – Music – 1996 – 282 pages
“A Poetry of Reality: Composing with Recorded Sound,” by Norman – Music – 1998 – 192 pages
“Nam June Paik,” by John G. Hanhardt ; with essays by Dieter Ronte ... [et al.]. Imprint New York: Whitney Museum of American Art in association with W.W. Norton, c1982 – 143 pages
“Making Video Dance” by Katrina McPherson, 2006 Published by Routledge Press, UK